somthing about baby~
11. {SOLD}
13.呢set...d字好sweet架...影唔到, 我打出黎比大家知
由左至右, 上至下 - {SOLD}
There is nothering sweeter than sleepong with your babies and feeling their breat on your cheeks
when the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.
it was the tiniest thing i ever decided to put my whole life into
babies are such sweet beginnings
a child is the greatest poem ever known
the birth of your baby. a gift from above, will bringjoy to your life, when showered with love
babies are a link between angels and man
a wee bit if heaven drifted down from above, a handful of happiness, a heart full of love
babies fill a hole in your heart you never knew existed
wonder of wonders so soft, sweet and small
with every little baby's birth god sends his love and joy to earth
ten fingers, ten toes, so small and brand new
something about travel~
17. {SOLD}
有興趣就留言, 我會話你知幾錢架啦~
oops, i like 13... i am late~~
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